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Within the framework of the IB system we have developed a rigorous academic programme implemented with a nurturing and participative approach. 

Montgomery International School has been accredited for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP), the Middle School Programme (MYP), and the Primary Years programme (PYP).

PYP model
Primary Years Programme
5.5 -11 years old
PYP 1-5

Choice of::
- English programme
- Bilingual programme



MYP model
Middle Years Programme
11-16 years old
MYP 1-5

Choice of:
- English programme
-.Bilingual programme



IBDP model
Diploma Years Programme
16-19 years old
DP 1-2

Choice of:
- English programme
- Advanced Bilingual programme



MYP boy with teacher

One school, two programmes

At Montgomery International School students have a choice between the English and the advanced bilingual programme. In the English programme, students follow all courses in English and also learn French via the Language Acquisition course. 

  • In the primary bilingual programme, units of enquiry will be taught in English and French. 
  • In the secondary advanced bilingual programme, students will have to take French Language and Literature as well as History in French.

Students can select the Advanced Bilingual programme even if they are not perfectly fluent in French.

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picture of a students in a chemistry lab doing an experiment